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Poppa Vulture spotted this doozy at the local dry cleaner. I get the feeling that they're trying to be helpful, but who could tell?
A compendium of the most egregious misuses of grammar, spelling and the
English language encountered in the daily lives of several bi-coastal vultures.
A living testament to Lynne Truss, author of Eats, Shoots & Leaves - any grammar vulture's bible!
Poppa Vulture spotted this doozy at the local dry cleaner. I get the feeling that they're trying to be helpful, but who could tell?
Posted by
Stevie Joe
12:20 PM
Our good friend Jeff sent in a picture of a helpful sign on an ATM machine. Two things:
1) Who needs instructions on how to use an ATM in 2008? If you can't figure it out, you probably shouldn't be operating this sophisticated equipment.
2) I love that the person who attempted to fix this sign missed the glaring error in the first sentence.
Posted by
5:20 PM
Pro photographer Burrill Strong was kind enough to send in this decidedly un-pro call-and-response sign, snapped at a recent basketball game:
It hurts!
Posted by
12:18 AM