Memo To Lowe's Home Improvement
Your competition in Burbank has thrown down the gauntlet:Vulture Rob wonders what exactly Burbank is, in this case?
A compendium of the most egregious misuses of grammar, spelling and the
English language encountered in the daily lives of several bi-coastal vultures.
A living testament to Lynne Truss, author of Eats, Shoots & Leaves - any grammar vulture's bible!
Your competition in Burbank has thrown down the gauntlet:Vulture Rob wonders what exactly Burbank is, in this case?
Posted by
11:32 PM
Downtown vulture Steven sent in this food service beauty:A fantastic follow-up to this previous restaurant posting!
Posted by
11:21 PM
And the Oscar for Best Director goes to ... Dhhfjyd Oldjffytdl!!!!!
And did you see Meruty Tysudysd's costumes in this film? Exquisite!
Posted by
Stevie Joe
4:45 PM
Food Network brainiac Alton Brown is the new spokesman for Welch's. Their ad agency appears to have been drinking something other than grape juice:
Posted by
Stevie Joe
4:36 PM
Posted by
10:47 AM
Thanks to Hancock Park area vulture Derek, we have been alerted that a certain Seattle-based coffee chain is now apparently offering chilled, liquefied homosexuals at a bargain price!
Posted by
12:13 PM
Posted by
10:47 AM
Courtesy of Talking Points Memo by way of Brother Vulture:Sadly (or thankfully), the mistake has since been corrected. To his credit, McCain may have been confused by his opponent's St. Patrick's Day shirt:
Posted by
Stevie Joe
10:18 AM
French phrases are fun to appropriate, no? À la mode means either "fashionable" or "with ice cream" – both fabulous options as far as the Vultures are concerned. This display at a downtown Los Angeles greasy spoon gem, however, could use a re-print:
Posted by
5:46 PM
A Grammar Vulture tip of the hat to our favorite criminals of the moment, the Typo Eradication Advancement League (TEAL). Meet the League's helpless victim:
Posted by
Stevie Joe
4:04 PM
A Hollywood parking lot could perhaps put its $20 fees to better use by paying for the missing letters and punctuation on their signage:
"Will be charge" is fairly painful, and we suppose including the apostrophe in "owner's expense" is out of the question!
Posted by
9:56 AM
Should you find yourself in Philadelphia and thirsty, be sure to stop by the Rolling Stone Grill & Bar and ask for a $5 "Jagar Bomb."
We have no idea what you'll be drinking, however, since the popular-with-jocks liqueur Jägermeister is correctly abbreviated "Jäger."
Posted by
4:52 PM
Make no mistake: the Vultures enjoy good food! This salad's inspiration, however, remains a mystery.
Posted by
10:18 PM
Posted by
12:04 PM
Yikes, Universal Studios. All adults are admitted for one kid's price? We're not on the board of directors for your failing theme parks, but that does seem to be a less than profitable business model. And who chooses the particular kid, anyway?Added bonus: Universal Studios "Hollywood" isn't located in the Los Angeles neighborhood known as Hollywood at all. The park is in Universal City, CA.
Posted by
1:22 PM
It's fairly common to find a "notice of filming" affixed to doors on otherwise unspectacular streets in Los Angeles. This notice, for an FX television show called "Sons of Anarchy" (but formerly known as "Forever Sam Crow"), showed up on our mailbox one afternoon:Dear production assistants: you're going to want to spell the name of your production correctly! Also, while none of the Vultures makes his living in TV production, we're fairly certain that "1 generator" actually appearing in the scene would be a faux pas.
Posted by
10:07 AM
As vulture LizyPo pointed out, this Penn State rallying cry is printed on approximately one billion t-shirts. We might have even let them slide for the missing comma, but the absent apostrophe is just unforgivable. Alumni, demand a refund.
Posted by
Stevie Joe
7:44 AM
New York City vulture Cyndi sent in this signage catastrophe:Remember this posting from 2007? Why do proprietors have such difficulty with this seemingly obvious list of restrictions? What exactly do you want me to do? Avoid petting my shoes? Refrain from putting sneakers on my dog?
Posted by
7:26 AM
This is your second offense, Victory Celebration Center. Do try celebrating something other than your ignorance. There are, like, eighteen things wrong with this announcement.
Posted by
3:48 PM
Poppa Vulture spotted this doozy at the local dry cleaner. I get the feeling that they're trying to be helpful, but who could tell?
Posted by
Stevie Joe
12:20 PM
Our good friend Jeff sent in a picture of a helpful sign on an ATM machine. Two things:
1) Who needs instructions on how to use an ATM in 2008? If you can't figure it out, you probably shouldn't be operating this sophisticated equipment.
2) I love that the person who attempted to fix this sign missed the glaring error in the first sentence.
Posted by
5:20 PM
Pro photographer Burrill Strong was kind enough to send in this decidedly un-pro call-and-response sign, snapped at a recent basketball game:
It hurts!
Posted by
12:18 AM
I only have one question: if the sign is spelled incorrectly, do you have to heed its warning?
Thanks to Matt and John for this one!
Posted by
3:56 PM
So close, in fact, that you could step right up onto it. And keep going. After all, there's nothing to stop you. If only all stairways were this conveniently close.
Thanks to Derek and Kyle for sending this one in!
Posted by
3:26 PM
Vulture friend Matt sent us this ad from Goldenvoice. He was baffled that they felt The Judds needed an apostrophe. We can only agree.
Posted by
1:15 PM
As previously established, blunders captured in a land where English is not the primary language are generally exempt from our ruthless ridicule... but this duo, captured during a recent trip to Mexico, is too good to resist.
Scalators? Sounds like something out of the Transformers franchise.
If you are the hot guy in sunglasses, email us!
Beef shirt? If only! We'd buy one in every size and color!
Posted by
11:00 PM
Posted by
9:42 PM
Why not start the year off with a food-related post? This gem was spotted in the window of a Burbank hot dog joint:
Posted by
4:14 PM